
Steven Foust, CW3 (RET) and Former NCO

I served 13-years on active duty and 8 years in the reserves before retiring from the Army with more than 20-years of total service.

As a former NCO that climbed the enlisted ranks like you (PVT to SFC in my case), I then transitioned to the Warrant Officer Corps (CW3). 

One HUGE problem I faced was my personal struggle to find other NCO's who shared similar challenges, had similar goals, also ambitious about their career, and were passionate about balancing their Army career and family.

I have walked in your shoes and faced the very same challenges. I've had Senior NCO Leader's that didn't care and/or were not willing to invest their time in me.  Many were self-centered and only interested in how they could take care of themselves.

Needless to say, this was personally painful but taught me so much about leadership and what NOT TO DO! I will help you avoid these mistakes and get support when you need it most!